Flying Pig Marathon Training Week 9 Recap
WE’RE HALFWAY THERE! Hard to believe 9 weeks out of 18 are in the books, but time flies when you’re running fast. Only ended up running 5 days this week because of the torrential rains on Friday, but still got in 51 miles and a lot of hills. Looking forward to the next few weeks of really building on the miles.
Daily Recaps:
◾ Monday: 7 miles of rolling hills at a moderate pace of 7:27 min/mi. Stayed relaxed and didn’t push too hard. Weather was rainy and windy – good mental toughness run.
◾ Tuesday: Got back to the Tuesday intervals after a break last week. This week was 3x2mi along the final few miles of the #flyingpig Course. Nailed this workout, averaging 6:00 pace for all 6 of the interval miles.
◾ Wednesday: Kept it real easy at lunch with 8 miles through Northern Kentucky. Enjoyed checking off a few new streets to make some progress on @citystrides
◾ Thursday: Thursday tempo day featured 9 miles total through the hilly middle section of the Flying Pig course. Averaged just under 3:00 marathon pace for the 9 miles to work on building strength and speed.
◾ Friday: Rained out – boo that. Just rained too much to get out for a few easy miles.
◾ Saturday: Stretched the long run out to 18 miles this week with Mojo Running Club. Took on a very hilly route (1k of elevation gain) and cruised to an average pace of 7:26. Good conversation and company made this run go back quickly.
◾ Sunday: Rest