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2023 Flying Pig Marathon Training Week 5

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Week 5 of Flying Pig Marathon Training.

First time hitting the 50 mile mark for a week in almost a year! Was a cold & busy week of running.

Daily Recaps:

â—¾ Monday: 8 miles of hills today with the pace around 7:40. Typically run a little bit faster on my Monday runs, but slowed it down a little to help the body stay fresh for a big week of training.

â—¾ Tuesday: After a fast workout of repeat 1K’s last week, I lengthened the intervals back out this week with a 3×1.5mile workout. Averaged 6:09 pace for the 4.5 miles of speed, which would be around my goal half marathon pace currently.

â—¾ Wednesday: Had fun exploring some new streets in Northern Kentucky during my easy Wednesday run. Sidewalks were all clear of snow, but had to take it extra slow on the bridges

â—¾ Thursday: Thursday Threshold runs! Overall made it 8 miles with an average mile pace of 6:48. Enjoyed some conversation with a friend from work, which made the run pass by quickly! The goal of these runs is to develop comfortability with marathon pace.

â—¾ Friday: A few easy miles just to get the total mileage for the week up to plan. Nice, easy and relaxed for four miles around the neighborhood.

â—¾ Saturday: Long Run with Mojo RC. Put together a little over 16 miles at around 7:40 pace with the group. Coldest run of the year so far with wind chills in the single digits at the start. Felt strong throughout and added some hill repeats around mile 13 for some added elevation work.

â—¾ Sunday: Rest Day