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2023 Flying Pig Marathon Training Week 4

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Week 4 of Flying Pig Marathon Training done!

This was the final week of the initial 4 week intro period. These are some of my favorite weeks of marathon training as fitness really starts to improve during this time. Overall solid week even with Mother Nature making things a bit tough mid-week.

Daily Recaps:

◾ Monday: Another 7 miles of hills today with the pace below 7:20. We got a lot of snow over the weekend, so ran a bunch of half mile loops around my neighborhood! Working on building strength and form in both uphill AND downhill running

◾ Tuesday: Tuesday intervals featured 5x1k’s today! Overall went well and push myself on the final 3 reps. Usually like to do these on a track, but found a straight, flat section of road downtown. Took 2 minutes of easy recovery between each rep.

◾ Wednesday: Had to use the “Dreadmill” because the weather just wasn’t great out. Slushy, mid-30s, and pouring rain didn’t sound inviting for an easy run. Got a good sweat in even with 6 easy miles on the treadmill.

◾ Thursday: Back to the Thursday Threshold runs. Overall made it 8 miles with an average of 6:47 per mile through some nasty wind and sleet. Good confidence builder!

◾ Friday: Bundled up for another easy run and explored some new neighborhoods.

◾ Saturday: Long Run with Mojo RC. Knocked out another 14 miles at around 7:50 pace with the group. Kept the HR steady and felt great. Looking forward to another week!

◾ Sunday: Rest Day