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2023 Flying Pig Marathon Training Week 17

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Flying Pig Marathon Training Week 17 Recap

It’s @runflyingpig race week! Hard to believe it is finally here. This past week wrapped up my first real week of tapering. Legs are starting to freshen up some, but still got in some good speed work. Most of the mileage drop for the week came on the shorter long run. Looking forward to a few more runs this week before the race on Sunday!

Daily Recaps:

â—¾ Monday: Pretty average Monday run. Ended up at 7:15 pace for 6 miles with a few hills thrown in.

â—¾ Tuesday: Got after some mile repeats and ended up hitting sub-6 minute pace for each of the 4 mile repeats. Jogged 400m for a short recovery between reps.

â—¾ Wednesday: Hit 6 recovery miles at a relaxed pace with my running group downtown. Always fun running with friends!

â—¾ Thursday: Didn’t run quite as hilly of route as the past couple of Thursdays, but still got in over 300ft of gain at faster than race pace. Feeling good!

â—¾ Friday: Easy 4 miles just to shake out the legs and get a good stretch in before the long run on Saturday.

â—¾ Saturday: Joined the Mojo group in Mason for my final long run of the training build. After weeks of running 16-20 miles, the 12 mile route felt short and refreshing. Ready for race day!

â—¾ Sunday: Rest Day