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2023 Flying Pig Marathon Training Week 12

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Flying Pig Marathon Training Week 12 Recap

2/3 of the way done! Only 3 more weeks of high mileage before the taper begins. It was a challenging week of training overall, but feeling optimistic as May looms ever closer.

Daily Recaps:

◾ Monday: Climbed up to Devou Park in Northern Kentucky during my lunch break. Was a solid run with a long climb and quick descent.

◾ Tuesday: Got back to the track after work for some shorter, faster speed work. Knocked out 16 400m reps, all under my goal time of 80 seconds. Faced a tough wind, so half of each lap was pretty challenging.

◾ Wednesday: Recovered with 7 easy miles around the neighborhood. Pace was relaxed.

◾ Thursday: Was faced with a 70 degree day after weeks of running in 30-50 degree weather. Also had a 9 mile tempo run on the plan which made this run pretty tough. Was very happy when I finished!

◾ Friday: Knocked out 5.5 easy miles to round out my mileage for the week.

◾ Saturday: Joined the Mojo Group Run downtown in Cincy for my long run. Wasn’t initially planning to go 20 again, but the rest of the group was so I joined them. Kept a steady 8:00 pace throughout and felt great. Strong headwind on the final 4 miles made the finish difficult. Overall had fun getting a change of scenery and enjoying the company of some of my friends!

◾ Sunday: Rest Day